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Monuments in Murça

Estrada Romana e Ponte sobre o Rio Tinhela

  • heritage

5090-138, Murça


Bridge with a single round arch.

Igreja Paroquial de Murça / Igreja de Santa Maria / Antiga Capela de Nossa Senhora da Assunção

  • heritage

Praça 5 de Outubro, 1
5090-112, Murça


Church with baroque architecture with nave and chancel, sacristy and attached bell tower. Inside, it has a false barrel-vaulted, stucco roof, high choir, pulpits, and altarpieces in gilt and polychrome, Mannerist, aedicule type, the laterals and the chancel are baroque.

Capela da Misericórdia de Murça

  • heritage

Rua Alfredo Pinto, 2
5090-115, Murça


Chapel built in 1692 where the carved stonework stands out. The portico is flanked by four very elaborate columns. On the top there is a niche with an image. The inside is composed of a nave, highlighting the altarpieces.

Pelourinho de Murça

  • heritage

Praça 5 de Outubro, 10
5090-112, Murça


A contemporary of King Manuel I, who granted the town a new charter in 1512, and being one of the best preserved in Portugal, the Pillory is built on eight steps, has a spiral shaft topped by a capital with heraldic symbols and is topped by five spiral pinnacles.

Crasto de Palheiros

  • heritage

5090-210, Palheiros


The Crasto de Palheiros, or Fragada do Castro, is an imposing quartzite ridge that was carved and built by the populations of that region of the Trás-os-Montes Hot Land between the beginning of the third millennium BC and present times.

Porca de Murça

  • heritage

Largo 31 de Janeiro
5090-111, Murça


Shrouded in popular legends and its origin or purpose not known for certain, Porca de Murça (Murça´s Female Pig) is an unequivocal symbol of the town, even giving its name to well-known region's wines. It is a zoomorphic stone sculpture from protohistoric times and is thought to be a votive statue to sacred animals.

Igreja Paroquial de Jou / Igreja de Santo André

  • heritage

Largo da Igreja
5090-074, Freiria


Church of mannerist architecture late-Baroque and neoclassical, with nave and chancel, with wooden ceilings. Features inside chorus-high built-in on the wall, confessionals, pulpit in the Gospel side, lateral revivalist retabulares structures, neoclassical side altarpieces and altarpiece-mor late Baroque.

Igreja Matriz de Vilares / Igreja da Senhora das Neves

  • heritage

Largo da Igreja
5090-232, Vilares


18th century church with Bell Tower located near laterally. The interior features carved altarpieces painted and gilded.

Igreja Matriz de São Paulo

  • heritage

Rua Direita
5090-210, Palheiros


Baroque church with the present interior altarpieces of late neoclassical style. The imaginary is recent production, with the exception of the Baroque image of our Lady of the Rosary.

Capela de Senhora da Piedade

  • heritage

Largo da Igreja
5090-232, Vilares


Baroque chapel with main façade marked by broad range from perfect round. Is within a typology of chapels associated with the Calvary and the passion of Christ, with similar examples in the chapel of the bridge in Mondim de Basto, among others. The main altarpiece is vernacular.

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