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Monuments in Tondela
Estátua de Homenagem ao Emigrante
- heritage
Rua Amália do Vale
3460-567, Tondela
The statue of tribute to Emigrant is a set of three glass spiral pillars and in the Center is a bronze statue of a man.

Estátua do Soldado Desconhecido
- heritage
Largo Doutor Anselmo Ferraz de Carvalho
3460-534, Tondela
Statue of the unknown soldier represents the farewell of a soldier of his mother before leaving for the war. It is a monument that was erected in tribute to the fighters of the great war (1914-1918).

Escultura representativa das obras exteriores da Junta
- heritage
Rua da Pedra Cavaleira
3460-181, Mouraz
Granite stone with bronze coat and with a "soul" at the top.

Cruzeiro de Alvarim
- heritage
Largo do Cruzeiro
3460-055, Alvarim
Cruise in granite with three steps, followed by a square block with a cross on three of the faces. Possessed a forend square with a few small grooves on each side and at the top has a sphere with a cross.

Busto de Tomás Ribeiro
- heritage
Largo Visconde de Britiande
3460-379, Parada de Gonta
Bronze bust that honors the poet Tomás Ribeiro.

Busto de Cândido Figueiredo
- heritage
Largo Doutor Anselmo Ferraz de Carvalho
3460-534, Tondela
Bust in bronze that is based on a granite column, this in turn is based on a round base also in granite.

Fonte Centenária
- heritage
Mosteiro de Fráguas
3460-302, Mosteiro de Fráguas
Fountain with two small cocks and a water collection tank, all in granite.

Pelourinho de Silvares
- heritage
Largo Justino Rodrigues
3465-180, Silvares
Granite Pelourinho whose cylindrical shaft rests on three squares ending in a cross.

Fonte da Sereia
- heritage
Rua Tomás Ribeiro
3460-616, Tondela
Mermaid fountain, eighteenth century, includes a handsome pediment with the Royal Arms surmounted by a figure of a woman wielding a horn, allusion to the legend that is at the origin of the toponym, and according to which, during the Moorish occupation a woman was watching the horizon making sound the Horn in case of imminent danger and to "tom" everybody brought to defend the village.

Fonte de Santo Cristo
- heritage
Avenida da Igreja
3460-433, Sabugosa de Cima
Fountain with two cocks and two lateral tanks all in granite. This source is unused since the construction of the IP3, seen to have run out of water supply.