Fundo de Vila4690, Fornelos
Football field with dirt floors and with artificial lighting.
Nespereira4690, Nespereira
Enclosure with sand floors with benches and artificial lighting.
Rua António Joaquim Barbosa Vieira4690, Souselo
Rua António Castro4690, Souselo
MultiSport grounds fenced, with synthetic floor and with markings for various modes.
Travanca4690, Travanca
Moimenta4690, Moimenta
Vila Nova4690, Oliveira do Douro
Football field with dirt floors.
Alhões4690, Alhões
Boassas4690, Oliveira do Douro
Football field in a poor state of conservation.
Rua Doutor Sá Carneiro4690, Pauves
Covered swimming pools that only work in winter.