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Shopping Center in Seixal

Rio Sul Shopping

  • shopping

Avenida Libertadores de Timor Loro Sae, Torre da Marinha
2840-168, Seixal


The Rio Sul Mall, located in the Tower of the Navy, has 138 stores distributed over 2 floors, 7 cinemas, 18 restaurants, 1 hypermarket Continente, a terrace, an outdoor children's playground and free parking. In addition to being accessible to those using car, there is good supply in terms of transport (train, through the firecracker and bus station.

Centro Comercial D' Amora

  • shopping

Rua Marco Severino, 2
2845-351, Amora


A mall located in a residential area, with three floors, 78 shops and restaurants.

Centro Comercial E. Leclerc

  • shopping

Avenida Silva Gomes, Apartado 586
2845-416, Seixal


Centro Comercial Rouxinol

  • shopping

Avenida Luis de Camões
2855, Corroios


A mall located in a residential area, with two floors, 44 shops and restaurants.

Centro Comercial Miratejo

  • shopping

Alameda 25 de Abril
2855, Corroios


A mall located in a residential area, with two floors, 36 shops and restaurants.

Centro Comercial Nina

  • shopping

Rua de Bissau
2840, Amora


A mall located in a resideential area, with one floor, 25 shops and restaurants.

Centro Comercial O Moinho

  • shopping

Rua Associação de Reformados de Corroios
2855, Corroios


A mall with 29 shops and restaurants.

Centro Comercial Cruz de Pau

  • shopping

Avenida 25 de Abril
2840, Amora


A mall located at the city centre, with two floors and 25 shops.

Centro Comercial Belsul

  • shopping

Rua de Bafatá
2840, Amora


A mall located in a residential area, with one floor, 30 shops and restaurants.

Centro Comercial Corroios

  • shopping

Rua Casa do Povo
2855, Corroios


A mall located in a residential area, with two floors and 14 shops.

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