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Restaurants in Setúbal

O Cantinho dos Petiscos

  • food & drink

Avenida Luísa Todi, 374-376
2900-454, Setúbal


Restaurant where inside there are several arches bordered by brick.

O Convés

  • food & drink

Rua da Cordoaria, 23
2900-333, Setúbal


The aerial view of the restaurant is the deck of a ship.

O Douradinho

  • food & drink

Rua António Maria Eusébio, 37
2900-236, Setúbal


A restaurant that has the walls covered by wood, as well as the ceiling's extremes. The wine is on sight.

O Farol

  • food & drink

Portinho da Arrábida
2925-378, Portinho da Arrábida


This restaurant is surrounded by the astounding beauty of the "Portinho da Arrábida" and serves mostly fish dishes.

O Novo Retiro do Fernando

  • food & drink

Rua Henrique Rosa, 24/26 - Poço Mouro
2910-293, Setúbal


Fish and seafood are the house specialties. A restaurant with its own room for events and gatherings.

O Pescador 2

  • food & drink

Rua Vasco da Gama, 64
2900-179, Setúbal


O Praxedes

  • food & drink

Rua Faustino José Santana, 4
2900-362, Setúbal


O Quintal

  • food & drink

Avenida Manuel Maria Portela, 56
2900-478, Setúbal


A large restaurant that serves traditional Portuguese dishes.

A Jangada

  • food & drink

Estrada da Mitrena, Santa Catarina
2910-738, Setúbal


Large restaurant with rustic décor and a menu based on grilled on charcoal. Emphasis on the fresh fish.

Casa do Peixe

  • food & drink

Rua General Gomes Freire, 138
2910-517, Setúbal


The Fish House restaurant press for its quality of dishes, always with fresh products.

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