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Natural Resources in Nisa

Barragem do Fratel

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Avenida do Rio Tejo
6050, Amieira do Tejo


Gravity type dam located in the tightest Tagus gorge, between Portas de Rodão and the mouth of the Ocreza River. It has docks, anchorages and access ramps. The most common fish species are boga, carp and largemouth bass.

Rio Tejo

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Monte do Duque
6050, Santana


The longest river in the Iberian Peninsula, with 1009 kilometres. It starts in Spain, more precisely in Albarracim, at an altitude of 1593 metres, and flows to the Atlantic Ocean. Its estuary has around 262 sqaure kilometres, in the area of São Julião da Barra. It borders Spain in an extension of 50 kilometres. It has several tributaries, which lends it specificity and beauty.

Rio Sever

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6050, Montalvão


Starting to the north of the São Mamede Hill, this river separates Portugal and Spain and totals 40 kilometres, a part of which are shared by both countries. It is one of the main rivers in the north of the Alentejo region that flows to the Tagus and one of the main tributaries of its left bank.

Barragem do Poio

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Espírito Santo
6050, Nisa


A reservoir on the Nisa Brook, on the Tagus river basin, near the Senhora da Graça (Our Lady of Grace) Hill and the ruins of Nisa-a-Velha (Old Nisa). It has a beach. It is not fit for sports.

Barragem do Cedillo

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6050, Montalvão


Barragem Açude do Racheiro

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6050, Montalvão


A reservoir located right in the Natural Park of the São Mamede Hill, on the Nisa Brook, near archaeological sites. It is not fit for sports.