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Natural Resources in Gouveia

Cabeça do Velho

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6290, Gouveia


Granite rock located at about 1500 meters of altitude, known for resembling a head in profile.

Barragem de Mangualde da Serra

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  • country

Mangualde da Serra
6290, Gouveia


Nascente do Rio Mondego

  • beach
  • country

Mangualde da Serra
6290, Gouveia


To the east of the Mondego river, at about 20 kilometres from Gouveia, near the EN232 (National Road), there is this place where the water flows from a rock to a stone basin. It then continues to the northeast, in Celorico da Beira, then to the southwest, and has its mouth in Figueira da Foz, totalling 227 kilometres.