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Monuments in Vila Real
Pelourinho de Vila Real
- heritage
Avenida Carvalho de Araújo
5000, Vila Real
Standing on a pedestal with three steps, it has a base and an octagonal main part of the column. On it stands the four faced base, with arched windows. A high cupola with an iron cross that has a small flag.

Fragas de Panóias / Santuário de Panóias
- heritage
Lugar do Assento
5000-751, Assento
Roman rock sanctuary with four rocks which are dug tanks or sinks, as well as six stone inscriptions that allude to the cult rendered to various Indian, Oriental and Roman deities. Is classified as a national monument.

Igreja de São Domingos / Sé Catedral de Vila Real
- heritage
Avenida Carvalho de Araújo, 89
5000-657, Vila Real
With gothic characteristics, this temple has three naves divided on the façade by two counterforts. The portic is ogival with multiple archivolts, sided by two niches with sculptures. The high altar is baroque.

Capela de São Brás
- heritage
Largo dos Freitas
5000-651, Vila Real
The interior was transformed and it is belived that in one of the sarcophagues lies the famous warrior known as the Espadeiro (swordsman). The tomb has a sowrd between two half moons, simbolizing the legendary bravery of the Espadeiro and the city's arms. Currently, this chapel is part of the Church of Saint Denis.

Casa de Diogo Cão
- heritage
Rua Irmã Virtudes, 4
5000-651, Vila Real
According to tradition, this was the birthplace of the sea discovrer Diogo Cão, probably of the 15th century. It is a building with two floors and an exterior stairway under an arch.

Torre de Quintela
- heritage
5000-773, Vila Real
A tower with a square plan, acceded by a portal with an arch and façades with openings. In the 14th century balcony windows and look-out posts that stand on small stones were added.

Palácio e Quinta de Mateus
- heritage
Largo Morgados de Mateus
5000-291, Vila Real
Located three kilometres away from the town's centre, it is part of a large property. Built in the middle of the 18th century by the architect Nicolau Nazoni, according to some authors, especially because of the baroque exuberance of the main façade. It is one of the few noble palaces that has remained with their original family owners to our days. A part of the house is open to pubic visits and has guided tours, a true house museum. During the visit, one views the noble salon, the library (with a book that is the first edition of The Lusíadas, …

Igreja dos Clérigos
- heritage
Rua dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra
5000-635, Vila Real
An elegant temple with an imposing façade. The true ex.libris of the city that is worth a vist to view th tile panels that pictur the lives of Saint Peter and Saint Paul and the renaissance main retable.

Ponte de Cabril
- heritage
5000, Vila Real
A stone bridge that is part of the National Road 2.

Igreja da Misericórdia de Vila Real
- heritage
Rua da Misericórdia
5000-653, Vila Real
Built in the 16th century, has undergone changes over the centuries. The interior of a single nave, has 17th century altarpieces and baseboards of tile. The facade is of granite and archaizing trait.