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Monuments in Porto

Mosteiro de São Bento da Vitória

  • heritage

Rua de São Bento da Vitória, 45
4050-542, Porto


XVII century temple, built at the place where a former synagogue used to be. At the inside you may admire chromium plated panels and golden wood carving works.

Torre dos Clérigos

  • heritage

Rua de São Filipe de Nery
4050-546, Porto


It is the ex-libris of the city. A masterpiece by the Tuscan architect Nicolau Nasoni, the Tower built between 1731 and 1763 is a magnificent carved stonework, 75 meters high. The 240 steps of the spiral staircase lead to a balcony located in the terminal body and from where you can enjoy rewarding views over the city and surroundings.

Mercado Ferreira Borges

  • heritage

Praça do Infante Dom Henrique - Rua da Bolsa, 19
4050-253, Porto


Built by Companhia Aliança (Funição de Massarelos) it is an important piece of "Iron Architecture". It presents numerous constructive and decorative elements that reveal the technical and plastic suitability of iron's potential. In the past it was a fruit market and now a place for exhibitions and other cultural events.

Palácio da Bolsa

  • heritage

Rua Ferreira Borges
4050-253, Porto


Palácio da Bolsa was built in the mid-19th century by the Porto Commercial Association. In a Neoclassical style, this building reflects the commercial flourishing of the city of Porto. All the compartments on the main floor offer details that prove the enormous sumptuous interest: in the furniture, in the chandeliers and above all in the ceilings, some made of valuable wood. However, all covered with a thin film of gold, the Arab salon is the room that best crowns the large investment of the 19th century Porto bourgeoisie.

Livraria Lello

  • heritage

Rua das Carmelitas, 144
4050-161, Porto


Built in neo-Gothic style, the Bookshop has a magnificent façade, formed by a wide depressed arch, whose entrance is divided into a central door, flanked by two shop windows. Over this arch there is a triple window. On the sides of the window, two painted figures stand out, by José Bielman, symbolizing Art and Science. Note the tracery that tops the entire building. At the entrance, in the center of the vast room, an ornamental staircase gives access to an upper level, where some tables serve as support for the exhibition of books. Wooden benches, covered in leather, and shelves …

Farol de São Miguel

  • heritage

Rua do Passeio Alegre, 494
4150, Porto


It was the first fire light in Portugal and was built in 1527, by the commendatory of the Santo Tirso Monastery, D. Miguel da Silva, who left incomes to lit fires at night, perpetually.

Igreja dos Clérigos

  • heritage

Rua de São Filipe de Nery
4050-546, Porto


The set is formed by a tower, the Casa do Despacho and Clérigos Church. This monument is the maximum exponent of the Porto’s baroque style. Although it is less known than the Clérigos Tower, the Clérigos Church was built first, between 1732 and 1750. It is a Nasoni’s typical construction. Inside, the golden carving and the baroque, rococo and neoclassic pelmets stand out. This was the first big work by Nasoni and the one which made him famous. This author would never leave the Porto city and died here.

Alfândega Nova

  • heritage

Rua Nova da Alfândega
4000, Porto


The construction of the new Port customs building was designed in 1859, by the French engineer C.F.G. Colson. It has an area of 36000 m2 and comprises three main bodies. The building of the Customs Act, in addition to the accommodation of the services of the Museum and the Museum Association of transport and communications, a Congress and Exhibition Centre.

Igreja da Misericórdia do Porto

  • heritage

Rua das Flores, 15
4000-292, Porto


The Porto’s Misericórdia Church is from the XV century and its front is by Nicolau Nasoni. It suffered profound changes during the XVIII century. The rococo style is quite obvious on its decorations. Inside, the main chapel, which is from the primitive construction, deserves a careful look. At the Mesários room, a masterpiece of the gothic painting stands out.

Sé do Porto

  • heritage

Terreiro da Sé
4050-603, Porto


The Sé is the main church in the city of Porto. It was built in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The first mass was held in the year 1120. In the 13th century alterations were made that completely altered the main portal. Rebuilt in the Baroque style, it kept only the rose window of its original construction. Nicolau Nasoni was the author of a galilee on the north façade, and also intervened in the decoration of the sacristy. The interior retains the images of Nossa Senhora da Vandoma (14th century), the "silver altar", an important Gothic cloister, the "old cloister", …

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