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Monuments in Mora
Conjunto de Edifícios da Igreja Matriz de Brotas
- heritage
Rua da Igreja
7490-017, Mora
This group of buildings, similar to a neighborhood, supported the pilgrimages from the Brotherhoods of Nossa Senhora das Neves. All houses have two floors and some have stairs to access the balconies. You can also see a fountain, with a spout and a rectangular sink and the Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora das Brotas.

Cromeleque do Monte das Fontainhas Velhas
- heritage
7490, Mora
Space where you can see the remains of six granite-shaped megaliths dating from the beginning of the fourth and middle of the third millennium BC. Only three are standing.

Torre das Águias
- heritage
Outeiro do Peso
7490, Mora
It is a rural, fortified manor, with a square plan, crowned with cut merlons, from the reign of King Manuel. The main facade is arranged in three registers, the first marked by the portico and the others by the openings of two rectangular windows. Internally, the ground floor develops into a large hall, covered with a vault with three sections of ribbed warheads; the first floor is occupied by the main hall, covered by a vault with ribbed warheads and adjoining divisions and the following floors are covered by vaults with a lowered dome.

Anta de Pavia / Capela de São Dinis
- heritage
Rua São Diniz
7490, Mora
Funerary monument in granite and masonry, used as a chapel. On the front main altar you can see 18th century and baroque tiles. It is one of the largest in the Iberian Peninsula.

Igreja Matriz de Pavia / Igreja de São Paulo
- heritage
Largo da Igreja
7490, Pavia
Mudéjar-Manueline construction, from the beginning of the 16th century. Protected by seven small cylindrical towers, it is crowned with Muslim-style battlements. The facade is from the 18th century, with a triangular pediment, a tower with a square plan and a portico with squared jambs and lintels on the main facade. The interior has three naves with a ribbed vault. The altarpiece features four oil painting panels from the second half of the 16th century.

Igreja e Hospital da Misericórdia do Cabeção
- heritage
Rua Alexandre Herculano
7490-061, Cabeção
This church was a hospital of mercy and currently, its ground floor serves as a daycare. The murals contained on the walls of the nave of the church dating from the 16th century. As it was affected by the earthquake of 1755 was repaired.

Pelourinho do Cabeção
- heritage
Praça do Município
7490-061, Cabeção
This sixteen hundreds pillory is placed in front of the City hall and it has three steps settled in a square base built in white marble. It has Neo – Manueline zoomorphic elements. It was demolished during the 19th century and rebuilt in 1960.

Igreja Matriz de Mora
- heritage
Rua dos Sinos, 8
7490-221, Mora
16th century Church consists of nave, chancel, baptistery, sacristy, belfry and sanitary facilities. The façade is painted white and features, above the door, a stained-glass window and an oculus, for where to enter part of the light. Inside, one of the highlights go to the font of the late 16th century and the main altarpiece of the neoclassical style.

Igreja da Misericórdia de Mora
- heritage
Terreiro da Misericórdia, 4
7490-250, Mora
Pentacentenária Church consists of nave, chancel, vestry and Bell Tower. The façade is painted white and takes one shot in yellow and has three small glasses. The nave and chancel are narrower and is filled with mural of the late 18th century. Stands out the steeple Bell cast in bronze with an inscription on the Santa Águeda.

Antigos Paços do Concelho de Pavia
- heritage
Largo Manuel José Casimiro, 14
7490-424, Pavia
16th-century building, where work not only the Town Hall, as well as a female and male prison. Today works as a Parish Council and residential area.