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Cultural Centers in Fundão

Teatro Clube de Alpedrinha

  • art

Rua Drº Alvaro Gamboa, 2
6230-083, Fundão


Amateur theater group created in 1893.

Casa Cultural Recreativa Castelejense

  • art

Rua do Cimo
6230-152, Fundão


Space to promote various cultural and recreational activities.

Museu Monográfico do Fundão

  • heritage

Rua da Misericórdia
6230-384, Fundão


Centro Dinamizador das Aldeias do Xisto

  • art

Casa Grande, Barroca do Zêzere
6230-137, Barroca


This dynamic Centre works in Casa Grande, a former Manor House dating back to the 18th century, which in turn is located in the village-Baroque headquarters of the network of Shops of the schist villages.

Espaço Gardunha Viva

  • art

Quinta das Pocinhas
6230, Fundão


Space in the Mountaineering Association of Fundão Gardunha Alive, where several cultural initiatives, such as theatre, exhibitions, concerts and lectures.

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