Piscinas Municipais do Parque da Cidade

This space offers outdoor pools and well-equipped with a modern layout.


Rua Padre Alfredo Pinto Teixeira


  • Swimming pools

Sports near Piscinas Municipais do Parque da Cidade

Pavilhão Desportivo de Lamego

Recent installations and with good condition.

Campo de Futebol António Esteves

On dirt soccer field which features locker rooms.

Campo de Futebol da Granja

Football field turf in poor condition. Features of the locker room.

Polidesportivo de Lamego

Fenced field with markings for various modes.

Are you going to Lamego?

See the suggestions of places to visit we have for you!

Best Of  in Lamego

What do do near Piscinas Municipais do Parque da Cidade