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Results for São Martinho do Porto in Portugal
INATEL do Luso
- hotels
Rua Doutor Costa Simões
3050-226, Luso
Located in the lush Forest of Buçaco, Inatel of Luso offers a relaxing environment with privileged contact with nature. Luso is a rustic Village linked to the monastery of 1981. Your projection dates back to the late 19th century, when imposed itself as a spa resort and tourism. The famous medicinal waters constitute, together with the Buçaco, one of the attractions of the area and an invitation to reflect, in a green paradise, where you can breathe fresh air at the top of his lungs and Rejuvenator. Stay at Luso is also to meet its people, discover a remarkable historical …
- country
- heritage
7920, Alvito
Located on high ground, close to the river and the Odivelas dam, the village of Alvito is one of the most beautiful and oldest in Alentejo. Remains from the Neolithic period have been found and several Roman artefacts were found. Suevi, Visigoths and Muslims also passed through these parts. The architectural heritage is extremely rich. The castle (dating from 1481), the Santa Luzia chapel and the main church are considered national monuments. Also noteworthy are the museum of sacred art, the library, the hermitage of Santa Luzia, the pillory and the Águas dos Peixes manor house. It has an equestrian …
- country
- heritage
7900, Canhestros
This parish was born from the recent Administrative Division of the Municipality of Ferreira do Alentejo, in 1988. Its settlement took place in very early times, perhaps in the Miocene period, according to some studies carried out by the City Council. The Romans left in this area evident marks of the new civilization that they transported to the Iberian Peninsula, and which, in the case of Canhestros, took place at a very late period. In addition to traces of an old Roman walkway, several fragments of common pottery, tegulae and imbrices were discovered. The Roman people, in the region where …
Biscoitos da Teixeira
- leisure
Teixeira Baião
5040, Mesão Frio
Atualmente presente em quase todas as zonas do país, o Biscoito da Teixeira é confecionado de forma ainda artesanal pela família que o produz há mais de quatro gerações. De consistência dura e gosto suave a açafrão é por muitos apelidado de intruso, ou metediço, por estar presente em todas as festas e romarias. Feito à base de farinha, limão, sal e fermento é cozido num forno a lenha. Há contudo um segredo não revelado na sua confeção que empresta ao Biscoito da Teixeira um paladar inesquecível.
Hotel Dom Pedro Palace
- hotels
Avenida Engenheiro Duarte Pacheco, 24
1070-109, Lisboa
Edifício de arquitetura moderna e com interiores decorados de forma clássica e requintada, este é um dos hotéis mais luxuosos da cidade. Também pela sua centralidade é muito procurado pelas estrelas de cinema e música, bem como pelos chefes de Estado, não só pela sua localização mas também pelos serviços personalizados que o hotel disponibiliza. Com 263 quartos distribuídos pelos 21 pisos, destacam-se as oito suites e uma penthouse suite de 420 metros quadrados. Para além de um muito recomendado SPA.
Grande Hotel de Luso
- hotels
Rua Doutor Cid de Oliveira, 86
3050-248, Luso
Located on the hillside of the famous Serra do Buçaco, the Grande Hotel de Luso is flagship hotel that for almost 70 years is a meeting point of choice for any occasion. The building is a project of the Portuguese architect Cassiano Branco, and dominates the landscape of the village of Luso, it also rightly famous for the excellent quality of ultrapure water that was born here. Offers 132 rooms including 15 suites and communicating rooms, restaurant, lobby, bar, Olympic pool, heated indoor pool, squash, snooker, playground, gardens and direct and exclusive access to Malo Clinic Spa Luso. For events, …
Herdade Quinta Natura
- hotels
Vale da Muda
8670-115, Aljezur
A Herdade Quinta Natura é um pequeno alojamento de turismo rural, no concelho de Aljezur, onde se sente a tranquilidade natural do Sudoeste Alentejano. Dispõe de quatro suítes de casal, cada uma com decoração exclusiva e abertura para um terraço privado. A unidade situa-se num vale com cerca de 8 hectares, atravessado por um rio e por trilhos e fica a menos de cinco quilómetros de Aljezur. O Chefe Luigi é responsável pelo pequeno-almoço, servido diariamente, com produtos caseiros e pelo restaurante vizinho "Gulli Bistrot".
Ermida de Nossa Senhora do Livramento
- heritage
Avenida 5 de Outubro
2900, Setúbal
The old chapel of the confraternity of sailors and fishermen of Setúbal, in honor of Nossa Senhora do Livramento, integrates one of the darkest periods of the destruction of the city's heritage. Built in the 16th century, was later shared by their original owners and the friars of the old convent of the Carmelites. The coexistence between the two communities was not peaceful and years later founded another Carmelite monastery. Again in possession of fishing brotherhood, the church underwent restoration. In 1755 became quite destroyed with the earthquake and was transformed later in theater. After a period in which worked …
Ermida de Santa Catarina do Aivado / Ermida de Santa Catarina
- heritage
Nossa Senhora da Graça do Divor
7000, Nossa Senhora da Graça do Divor
Pequena ermida quinhentista de nave única, que segue a tipologia das capelas de romaria alentejanas do Séc. 16, primitivamente antecedida por alpendre, já desaparecido, de grande despojamento na expressão arquitectónica, com cunhais e remates de alçados em granito rusticado contrastando com o branco da cal. Cobertura interior em abóbada nervurada de 2 tramos, sobre mísulas molduradas de sabor manuelino. Interior apenas iluminado pelo portal de entrada, sóbriamente decorado por painéis rectangulares de pintura mural, um no alçado fundeiro e os restantes dois nos laterais.
Igreja de São Bartolomeu
- heritage
Praça da República
7160-207, Vila Viçosa
This church was founded in 1636 and it is an example from the sixteen hundreds architecture, with a plan in Latin cross, one only nave with lateral chapels, transept and ample main chapel. This last one displays coverage in barrel vault and elevations covered with blue and white glazed tiles, standing out the golden carved big altarpiece, with the throne and the sacrarium also in golden wood. The high choir is settled in three perfectly vaulted arches with balustrade. The lateral chapels are dedicated to Santa Quitéria, Santa Ana, Santíssimo Sacramento, Nossa Senhora do Rosário, Nossa Senhora de Soledade e …