The Amusement Park António Sampaio Nogueira consists of 40 thousand square meters of green land and extensive, with several supporting infrastructures and animation, such as the tennis court and football, swimming pools, playground, heliport and multi-purpose hall with bar and kitchen.
Fortified settlement proto-history. Has a line of wall showing the inner face faceadas not stones and pits excavated in the outcrop. There is evidence of a family housing nucleus of circular plant constructions. Are classified as Property in the public interest.
This construction has two naves separated by arches. The façade is torn by two doors topped by a triangular tympanum and surpassed by a round hole like “Steer eye”. The high choir is only represented by the rafter that supported it and above them there are two holy water fonts, one in each nave.
18TH century building with profound changes in the 19th century. Boasts a stylish stone staircase, which has a Center pass to the ground floor. The piano nobile ten bedside high Windows features. The Chapel, which also underwent restoration, has a beautiful altar of talha. The gardens are of Baroque style.
Two storey L-shaped Solar that currently features 18th-century features, while still keep the body of the staircase with the moth of the previous building. It consists of two bodies connected at right angles. It has a chapel marked by a simple portal with a frieze of the entablature on top and a cross to the axis flanked by two pinnacles.