The museum is a result of Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian’s will, an Armenian that gathered more than 6000 works of art during his life, that are now assembled in this beautiful space. It is an impressive collection, covering a temporal space from the ancient Egyptian empire until the XX century. Here are represented different civilizations and hemispheres.
The CHANGE, Design and Fashion Museum opened its doors to 22 May 2009. Even before the start of work to adapt the former headquarters of the BNU, on Rua Augusta, to their new museological functions, the CHANGE began offering a continuous programming where are present the different perspectives and languages of design.
Uma experiência única e original, que o leva numa viagem no tempo até 1755, onde poderá reviver o evento mais dramático da cidade - o Grande Terramoto de Lisboa. Aqui pode aprender tudo sobre sismos através de simuladores, video-mapping e tecnologia 4D interativa.
Former enclosed field of a farm with a convent that the earthquake destroyed. Nowadays it is a set of gardens and preserve, rich in exotic vegetation. The Casa do Regalo with the lakes, greenhouses, Virtues statue and the bust of Dom João V stands out. Integrated in this area is the Palácio das Necessidades, classified as Public Interest Monument and where the Foreign Office is set.